Yoga for Everyone
50 Poses For Every Type of Body
by Dianne Bondy
Yoga is for every body, including yours!
For years, yoga books have asked readers to bend over backward (literally!) to conform to their physical demands. It's time for the opposite—for readers to demand that yoga conforms to their individual needs. It's time for a yoga book to reflect the broader population that would benefit from a yoga practice geared toward them. It's time for Yoga for Everyone!
This book offers yoga for every type of body: those who are big, small, elderly, pregnant, or of various physical abilities—everyone. No matter who you are or what you look like or what your abilities are, you can do all 50 poses in this book. The variations to classic poses in this book will also allow you to perform all 10 sequences, which combine different poses into one singular experience and focus on specific physical and mental benefits.
So forget what you've heard. Yoga isn't just for the privileged few. It's meant to be enjoyed by everybody and every body. Yes, you can do yoga—and Yoga for Everyone will show you how!
Yoga for everyone and every body type. Seriously!
So many variations and well-photographed pictures that show you exactly what to do.
I always felt bad when trying yoga (numerous times), because I could never achieve the poses showed by the instructors. Yes, they said I could modify it because I am a newbie, but I didn't know how to go about the modifications.
And this is the main reason why I think this book is so amazing. It fills a gap that needed attention. It helps those of us that are not "fit" just yet.
Besides all the modifications, seeing all those different body types is so helpful and encouraging, empowering even. It literally goes beyond telling yoga is for everybody, to actually showing you that yoga can be learned and perform by anyone.
I read this book as someone that wants to learn to do yoga, but I can see this can also help yoga teachers to show their students how to go about adopting yoga poses and practices as beginners with less strength as flexible as a teacher that is probably practicing yoga for years and might not quite remember how it is intimidating for a newbie to see all those poses and balancing performed by a professional.
Yoga for everyone also shows you that the people in the book are not just models posing for the photographs. They are real people practicing yoga. Some even instructors themselves.
This book is truly a valuable resource for anyone trying to learn yoga.
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