African Cowrie Shells Divination
History, Theory & Practice
by Zolrak
Discover the Cowrie Shells and Learn How to Read the Messages of Ifá and the Higher Spiritual Planes
Divination with cowrie shells is one of the oldest known spiritual practices in the world. Originated by the Yoruba people of West Africa, cowrie shell divination is a powerful technique for connecting to the wisdom of ancestors, spirits, and deities.
This book shares the history of cowrie shell divination and shows you how to open the portals of spiritual communication with the shells and related divination systems, such as cola nuts and coconuts. Written by a long-time practitioner, African Cowrie Shells Divination provides the meaning of the sixteen shell combinations as well as tips and variations for readings based on the specific question being asked. Discover the powerful messages of the Orishas and the mystical divination techniques of Candomblé, Santería, and other traditions of the African diaspora. Explore the instructive stories known as patakkís and apply their guidance to your life.
The cowrie shells are sacred magical tools. With the history, theories, and hands-on instructions in this guide, you will learn how the shells can be used to answer your most important questions and achieve your true destiny.
Divination with cowrie shells is one of the oldest known spiritual practices in the world. Originated by the Yoruba people of West Africa, cowrie shell divination is a powerful technique for connecting to the wisdom of ancestors, spirits, and deities.
This book shares the history of cowrie shell divination and shows you how to open the portals of spiritual communication with the shells and related divination systems, such as cola nuts and coconuts. Written by a long-time practitioner, African Cowrie Shells Divination provides the meaning of the sixteen shell combinations as well as tips and variations for readings based on the specific question being asked. Discover the powerful messages of the Orishas and the mystical divination techniques of Candomblé, Santería, and other traditions of the African diaspora. Explore the instructive stories known as patakkís and apply their guidance to your life.
The cowrie shells are sacred magical tools. With the history, theories, and hands-on instructions in this guide, you will learn how the shells can be used to answer your most important questions and achieve your true destiny.
This book features a mix of various traditions. It starts of course focusing on African divination, but the very next chapter goes on to talk about divination in other cultures.
It also talks about Orishas, Santeria, Yoruba, and more. I was already familiar with Orishas because they are highly popular in the African-Brazilian culture and I lived for many years very close by. But everything else was very new to me.
I really enjoyed to find so much information, and for so many different aspects than intertwine with each other for various reasons, like immigration and so on. Yet, you have to notice, that because of that, the information about each topic is brief, since the book needs space to be able to feature all of them. I believe this makes for a great beginner book. A nice introduction, that you can then use as a guide and look up for more extensive information in other books or online. In other words, is a nice starting point for someone new that doesn't even know where to start learning about this particular topic.
Something else to notice is that this book goes beyond the divinatory practices and extend to the religion behind them. I found this information fascinating, but if you are only looking to learn for the divinatory practice and nothing more, this book might not be for you.
I found the information included to be very educational in anthropologic terms and belief systems. Yet, the book itself tells you that to perform this kind of divination you require to undergo an initiation process with a priest or priestess of the religion.
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