You Goal, Girl
A Goal-Setting Workbook
by Earn Spend Live
You Goal Girl: Description by the publisher
There’s no better feeling than when you complete a task and get to check it off your to-do list, right? This goal-setting workbook combines that feeling of productivity with the motivation you need to actually get stuff done. You Goal, Girl is a personal tool kit for making your goals a reality. With this guided workbook, you will design your own goals and break them down into small, actionable steps. Because it’s not enough to simply write down your goals and call it a day, prompts, tips, and worksheets help to determine and then track your goal’s progress every step of the way, in addition to providing plenty of space to capture doodles, notes, and brainstorms. Included in this action-oriented workbook are:
• Habit-tracking and reflection pages to measure progress
• Gratitude logs to stay positive
• Daily and weekly prompts to help you self-assess
You Goal, Girl is designed to help plan, track, and achieve your most important goals— because you absolutely deserve the life you want, you just have to put in the work!
My thoughts about You Goal, Girl:
You Goal, Girl, is a fantastic little workbook, that teaches you about setting SMART goals, and then gives you worksheets to start working right away on your goals.
SMART goals are an acronym referring to goals that are:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-bound
I have previously heard about SMART goals on a webinar but is nice to have them easily available in the workbook, to reference back when needed.
I really appreciate that the authors share their advice and past experiences with goal setting.
Besides the various tips, you will also find easy to understand examples. The authors help you recognize the difference between realistic and unrealistic goals.
The worksheets also include sections for gratitude logging. Which I didn't expect from a goal-setting book, but is a greatly appreciated section as I practice daily gratitude journaling. And more opportunities to express gratitude is always welcomed.
The beautiful layout just makes it a joy to look at and of course to use. Working with a pretty book enhances the experience and makes it a bit more fun.
I would also like to note that this book can be used to set personal goals, professional goals, or academic goals.
The structure of this book will easily guide you thru all the steps of goal setting. I highly recommend this book to anyone that needs and easy to follow system to get started setting goals.
You can get a copy of You Goal, Girl HERE
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