
The Art and Science of Staying Together

by Belinda Luscombe

*I received an advanced digital copy with the purpose of reviewing this book.

Description by publisher: A smart and concise guide to staying together that draws on scientific findings, expert advice, and years in the marital trenches to explain why marriage is better for your health, your finances, your kids, and your happiness.

Very useful information, and sprinkled with a little bit of marriage humor here and there. I was giggling and chuckling at the various jokes.

The book presents advice from a psycological and sociological standpoint, but also shares anectodal information in the form of personal stories. The author states than names where changed, but the stories remain intact. Is a perfect mix of science, advice, and personal storiles that you can relate to.

Marriageology examines six faults as the main marriage trouble makers, and provides advice to each of them.

Depening on where you are in your marriage, you will be using this book differently. If you're reading this before any major problems, you can use the book to prevent them. If you're already experiencing trouble, then this book can give you advice about how to act, or at least where to look for help. As sometimes therapy will be needed, or marriage counseling that needs to go beyong the teachings of a book, and advice has to be tailored to your speciphic needs or issues.

I would recommend this book to anyone married or about to marry. Don't wait to have troubles, work on them before theiy appear!

Get a copy of Marriageology: HERE
