The Everyday Empath
Achieve Energetic Balance in Your Life
by Raven Digitalis
When reading The Everyday Empath, I felt the author was talking to myself. Especially on the section describing what sort of qualities, emotions, and other characteristics are normal in empaths. It was like it was describing me to the smallest detail.
The book covers basics about know what an empath is, to how to live and cope with your gift. Protecting yourself and other techniques that are easy to comprehend.
Although I think that the whole book has something important to share, the section that impacted me the most is the teachings on how to protect yourself as an empath from absorbing other's bad energy. This has been a problem of mine for a while. I almost felt as if the negative energy would partially leave the origin and glue to me. Anyways, what I'm trying to say here, is that the teachings have been useful to me.
The exercises featured in The Everyday Empath are for beginners, intermediate, or advanced in knowledge. So this book is sure to help you grow as you practice the teachings.
Is very refreshing to find a section on mindfulness, as this can be beneficial to anyone, empath or not. And the psychological and psychiatrical experts are also very interesting to find in a book that would be considered esoteric or new age. I love to find this blend of science and spirituality in books I read, and I was very pleased to have encountered that aspect in this book as well.
I also admire that the author cares for the readers. In the depression and anxiety section, the suicide hotline is included. Something that might be taboo, but yet the author made sure to include it, and if it helps one person, then I think is worth to have it in the book. You never know who will be reading it, and finding more help in the pages of the book beyond the teachings included.
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